Sunday, December 23, 2012

Last Day

So after what seems like a really long wait, we are finally into our last day. Our grocery store trip yesterday was very successful. We got another box of pasta (also for $1)  and were able to get some turkey burgers (4 on sale for about $2.50 total). Overall we spent $6.32. Also, we made a few financial "adjustments" rather than buy certain items.

For example, we just ran out of milk but since today is our last day, we didn't want to have to  buy non organic milk only to then have to use it next week since we normally give Hailey organic. So we bought organic milk, but subtracted from our budget the amount it would have cost us to buy a small non-organic whole milk. In addition to that, Hailey started to run a little bit of a fever last night and this morning and wasn't all that interested in her regular food, so we have given her a couple of food pouches. Since they are $1 each, we subtracted another $2 from our budget. So when it's all said and done - assuming we don't buy anything else today - we will have finished the week having spent all but $7.70 of our budget.

Since Hailey isn't feeling great, I'm not sure that we'll be able to make the most of our plans of going out today. We'll see how she feels after her nap, although if all else fails, we can watch the Ravens/Giants game at 4:30.

As for our last meals, we have mac and cheese and toast for lunch and then we have two more turkey burgers for dinner to go with some sweet potato. And I'm sure that we'll have some more of our endless pasta supply if the turkey burger/sweet potato combo doesn't do the trick.

Tomorrow, I'll plan on posting a more extensive update which will include some of our reflections on the entire experience. As always, we love to hear your thoughts and questions as well.

Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Neil, Stacie and Hailey

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